FUTURE GATE was founded by Stonegate Group in partnership with the U.K. company CYBER STEP as a venture capital for investment in advanced technologies in the fields of environmental , energy, and climate.
With its establishment, FUTURE GATE was a pioneer in the field of venture capital funds that specialize in environmental . The fund operated on a unique investment model that combined a high percentage of ownership in the portfolio companies with active management of these companies. The fund promoted its portfolio companies by focusing on and tailoring their technologies to large international industries, and by integrating these companies into these industries.
Some of the portfolio companies of the fund have carried out large and unique projects for giant companies abroad.
The fund’s contribution to its portfolio companies included:
– Adapting technology to real market needs
– Adapting technological development to practical implementation needs
– Penetration into markets
– Managing contracts and financing arrangements
– Business strategy
– Strategic partnerships
– Integrating technology within larger projects that require additional technologies
– Options for BO, BOT models, and more
– Tenders options